Hearts and smiles

love, hearts, a better life, happy, haiku

When I read Ronovan’s Smile and Frown Haiku challenge this week I immediately thought of these words from my post You are a winner

A Smile is the classic look in Style. 
You can fashion those lips 
to reverse the dip 
with a little muscular persuasion 
on any occasion.

Ever conducted smiling experiments? Give it a whirl!
Sometimes, I smile at each person I pass, without expectation, or need of reciprocation, but in the hope that somehow, in some small way I have made their life better. I don’t profess to be powerful. But even the smallest thing can have an impact that accelerates, infects, person by person. I’d rather spread smiles than misery.

Bastet and Sekhmet’s Haiku Tackle it Tuesday, speaks of ‘Regularity’ being the best way to calm your (spirit) mind. Smiling is a regularity for me. It’s something I cultivate, nourish and respect on a daily basis. Plus I love to say, ‘everyone is so much better looking when they smile!’

I am new to Haiku/Senryu and quite intrigued. My first attempt was Imagination. I hope I’m getting the gist of it.

A life devoted
to tender affection has
no misdirection

Heart leads, I follow
loving, doing, being me
flowing like the sea

True smile, flourishing
held with regularity
has no parallel


Everything we say
each action, word, intention
affects everyone


Pure love preserved, knows
frowns cannot co-exist with
laughter and friendship

love, happy, wonderful, amazing,

31 thoughts on “Hearts and smiles

  1. ‘I’d rather spread smiles than misery.’ Me too!!! (Sometimes I notice people look at me…like I’m crazy or weird. Yes I am but not when spreading smiles!) 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Leo Bascala (spelling) used to have his students get on an elevator, turn towards the people on it and smile. The range of reactions was wide, but some people would leave smiling, too.
    Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

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