Goodbye Kiss

Dearest One

I loved our time together, though we’ve oft been apart. How I miss your passion. I think of you through the light and dark. But the sleepless nights, the hair trauma from tossing and turning… Our melting moments mock me. I can’t put you away, for yearning.

My friend said, ‘His Nibs is bad for you’.
How dare they box you, and label you a sin! They couldn’t bar me. I didn’t listen to them. It’s as if you were handmade to my taste. I chose you for better or worse.

You may be hard on the outside, but you can be soft within. You were so sweet, and such a Smartie. There to sprinkle the good times and block out the sad. You buttered me up with your brownie points and milked it for all its worth. I even loved you when you were nutty!

To nestle your rich creamy smooth skin, your sensual kisses… the way you made me feeI; for me, it was so real. You didn’t fudge things up. Though my friend often snickers his win. You are a blend who chips in, but mars without tempering. Though you sweetened my life, you’re not good for me. You are an exquisite, luscious, bittersweet decadence. I’ll miss the elation you brought me despite its brevity. I’m sorry, but I must say, ‘goodbye Chocolate, my favourite luxury.’

yummy, delicious, tasty
P.S I had to eat some more to take this photo. 🙂 A split second and then it was gone! How many chocolate-related-words did you count?

Weekly Challenge, prompt, fun

To join the Singing Saturday link your post in the comments below. Wishing you a wonderful week! 😀


60 thoughts on “Goodbye Kiss

  1. Beautifully written and brought a smile to my face. And your pic is sumptuous !! I too am trying to say goodbye to chocolate…but the more I try the more I eat it:( I have a weigh in with my dr tomorrow…guess who is eating more choc than usual?! Great post 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I can’t believe I missed this – I’m usually notified when a link goes up. My apologies. Thanks for the contribution…it’s a treat 🙂 I assume it is for the 2 September prompt? I’ll re-blog now and read the next one because it seems I missed that too.

    Liked by 1 person

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