I believe in you

I am so proud of you, for the good you have done and the difficulties you have overcome. I am amazed at your endurance and the grace with which you have lived your life. I am so glad you are here. You were born for greatness, and every day I see it in you.

When you do what you love your greatness thrives. Each time you help someone, your greatness grows. It is alive in the love you feel and show others. And so by doing you honour yourself. You don’t need notoriety, your reward is to know who you are.

A life lived with kindness, integrity, passion and purpose epitomises truly living. A life lived from the heart, from a place of love, is a life of meaning. I wish for you; a wonderful life. Thank you for visiting with me, if even for a moment.

Love HAPPY Notes

i believe in you
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