A Life to treasure

Happiness, a wonderful life, how to be hapA World of Possibilities

What if you lived from the perspective that everyone you met, was part of a scheme to enhance your wellbeing?

What if you saw that every event contained both negative and positive possibilities?

What if something you previously thought was a challenge, was in fact an opportunity?

It can be true, if you want it to be.
It has been proven that people who live with positive expectations are more likely to attract such experiences in reality. Plus your future grows into an adventure of unlimited horizons, instead of stemming from a mountain of worry. The present becomes a gift and the future becomes a marvel of magical anticipation.

Wouldn’t that be a wonderful way to live?
The more you look for the good in your life, the more you will find it and the quicker it will come. And if you believe it is on its way; fear, frustration and negativity will dissipate.

joy, elation, bliss, how to be happy

What about the Yucky stuff?
I’ve learnt more in sickness than in health, more from poverty than wealth. From the people who didn’t treat me kindly, I learned who not to be with, and how much kindness matters. From abuse came strength, resilience, and an iron will. From the wrong partners, I learnt what to look for in the right one. From loss and grief, I learned to appreciate what I have right now. Of course, I would have much preferred that none of these things happened, but they did. Yet I am still here, those days are far behind me and I live in anticipation of many wonderful days and months and years. And they will come.

Heading in the right direction
I don’t want to live my days, fretting about the past, or what I can’t do right now in this moment. I want to be fully alive in every ‘right here, right now’ from here until eternity. I want to focus on what I can do in every ‘right here, right now’!

happiness this way, how to be happyAs for the future: I will envisage the most wonderful life, dream big and believe! My companions, hope and optimism are my most treasured possessions. Let’s create a life of wonderful flavours.

13 thoughts on “A Life to treasure

  1. Neither do I! I have worked so hard to let go of so many things. Baggage isn’t cool at all! In the end we are only the only ones that suffer when we don’t get rid of it.

    I love your positive vibe, I can’t wait to read more!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Wise words and well said 🙂
    I love the idea that ‘everyone you meet is part of a scheme to enhance your wellbeing’, the older I become the truer I think it is.
    However, on the very rare event, that you meet someone, and can’t see where in the scheme of your wellbeing he/she is, make sure you let him/her move on and do some good to someone else…

    Liked by 1 person

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