Why do birds suddenly appear?

The Daily Post: Daily Prompt Snapshot Stories
Open the first photo album you can find — real or virtual, your call — and stop at the first picture of yourself you see there . Tell us the story of that photo.

Of all the post I’ve done, this one makes me the most uncomfortable. 😮 Why? It’s me in the photo, and while I don’t mind looking silly… Not only am I camera shy, I’d rather share photos where I’m behind the lens, not in front of it, especially online! But like many of you, I’m working on stepping out of my comfort zone.

This is the first photo I came across. I love this wild King Parrot’s expression; he thinks I need my head examined! By him! Sometimes Nature sneaks up on you …and cameras! Either way it’s an example of living in the moment and being caught in that moment on weird hair day. 🙂

king parrot.

King Parrot: ‘Girl what’s up with your hair? It’s so long and when it’s all rolled up behind your head, what a lovely nest…
Me: ‘Dude it’s my birthday and your seriously tickling my ha hee hee head.’
King Parrot: ‘Oh what a lovely perch it makes.music, awesome
Me: ‘You’re singing about my hair?’

Narrator: This photo was taken on a verandah in Bunya Mountains, Queensland. The camera shy young lady would have had a lovely time, apart from the stinging vines she knelt on while photographing a wallaby. When she finally recovered from the itchy stinging rash, she got to spend time with someone wonderful, and open Birthday Presents, and they rocked, literally! (one of them was a guitar, and one actually was rocks- a delicate diamond and pink tourmaline necklace).



17 thoughts on “Why do birds suddenly appear?

  1. What a fun shot! Truly spontaneous, although the bird looks like he might be posing for the camera. 😉 I had a cockatiel who used to walk all over my head. I decided to sew toys for him to play with on a hat so he didn’t tickle me and he had fun. However, I was wearing the hat and the bird when I first met my son’s now wife… I think she still thinks I’m batty (or is that cocky).
    Thank you so much for joining RMoD this week! what a great post to share. And I love your blog… Meghan

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  2. Lol at the funny interaction between you and the parrot. I met a parrot for the first time a few years ago and I found him so fascinating. I am camera shy too, I tried to avoid having a photo of me on my blog (it clearly didn’t work). You have no reason to shy away from the camera!

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