Bee Empty

Joseph’s thoughts flurried with worry until a voice quieted them.

‘Isn’t it wonderful to discover something new; a sunset, flower, a way of thinking? Wonders abound! What have you noticed today?’

Joseph searched for the voice. He questioned the sky, sea, fauna and flora.


Speech came from inside a flower.

‘Empty your mind, my friend. You create the brain clutter of worry, regret, and guilt. You needn’t feed them. Set them free. Open your heart. You exist to be happy.’

Mind liberated, unlearning complete, eager to explore the world, Joseph’s new life brought joy to everyone he met.

Thanks to the following for inspiration:

99 words: Fictional FridaysMindlovesmisery Menagerie’s photo prompt #32 Contained, and Carrot Ranch-Rut

Photo: Look Up,  Look Down, I heart Macro, Monday Mellow Yellows

24 thoughts on “Bee Empty

  1. Bee-autiful! What a happy ray of sunshine to find linked up to Carrot Ranch. We like to “just bee” around the corral, wrangling words and roping ideas together in a friendly literary community. It’s wonderful when a new Writer on the Range shows up. Hope to see you around! On Tuesdays (later than earlier) I post a compilation of the week’s 99-word stories at Carrot Ranch and each one is also posted individually at Love the message in the story!

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