Howling with Neglect

A note was on my bedside table.

Dear Beloved,
We miss you, truly, deeply, completely. We know you are conquering the undefeatables and we are proud of your endurance. We recognise the importance of your daily work with Mac, but beg you please, spare some time for us. We profoundly need your attention.

When two of us were stolen, it broke your heart. But remember the fun, the ease, the simple pleasure of being together. Please come and play with us.

Here you are with big brother Bass. You were so little then.

Bass guitar, joy, music, performing

Matron Maton (Acoustic) told us about how popular you were. How you made people cry, smile and thrive with the emotion in your voice. How people drove for miles to watch you play. How they stood right up front, enthralled with anticipation and respect.

Matron Maton worries the colour will drain from your life.

Loss, grief, happiness, joy

Or the hues will turn to madness as we slip away from your life.


Remember when you said this:
Music is so alive, that it keeps you within the moment. The absolute joy of playing and the spirit inside it’s creation of symbiotic sounds, forges love, connection and well-being into hearts and souls.

You know what you were born to do. Not everyone has that luxury. But for those who do. You know what to do.

Please come back to us. We are no longer gently weeping, we are howling with neglect. We love you. We miss you. We are not Yesterday’s Hero, we are your guitars! Your present gift and your future contribution. Let’s adventure into a legacy worth remembering.

With Genuine Love and Affection,

Fender Mustang Bass ❤ ❤ ❤
On behalf of your United Guitar Collective.

writing, prompt

66 thoughts on “Howling with Neglect

  1. That was awesome! I have a keyboard hidden away that is probably crying out for me. Your guitars definitely laid the guilt-trip on me. *Heading to the closet to pull her out now* 😀

    ~ Angela

    Liked by 1 person

  2. thank you for:
    “Music is so alive, that it keeps you within the moment.
    The absolute joy of playing and the spirit inside it’s
    creation of symbiotic sounds, forges love, connection and
    well-being into hearts and souls…”

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Weeping guitars make me sad! Hope you are back to playing, LHN. One of the barometers in my marriage is whether my husband is playing his guitar. If he’s not, I immediately start worrying. Love your creative approach to this and your drawings.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. There’s just not enough hours in the day is there? I feel this way about my drawing. I walk into my shed and long to just stay there and paint. I have had so many happy hours in there with the possums just listening to the radio and painting … My blogging is wonderful but it will never replace the joy I find in my artwork.

    I love your drawings and the painting with its vibrant colours is beautiful! Such a great post! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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