If Dogs ruled the World

if dogs ruled the world

If I were given a superpower to change one law of nature. It would be to make humans more like us. No, I’m not talking about sniffing and peeing. Though, the way we mark our terrier-tory is much kinder than dropping bombs. (Okay, you may say we drop bombs all over your back yard and you get to clean them up! I see them more as slow-forming fertiliser or better yet, your future energy supply. After all, fuel is just made from old poop, fossils and rubbish)  Yes, I can just see us all marking our terrier-tory out of a helicopter, trying not to pee on each other- yeah right, like we’d stop trying to pee on each other! Hello, I know who’s the boss. We are the ones in charge, so give us our due! No, only kidding, but we were sent down to watch out for you, protect you, love you unconditionally. So please, love each other, protect each other, be kind and supportive. WE LOVE YOU.

19 thoughts on “If Dogs ruled the World

  1. This post is a delightful look at our society from a dog’s perspective. We have a spoodle who would heartily agree with your terrier! You did bring a smile to my face, thank you! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

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