If life was a day

Light, love, beauty, amazing picture, goldI’d live where the sun is rising
If life was a day.
I’d expect to always be shining
And always feel this way

I’ll never become clouds past sunset.
I won’t regret, fret or replay
The day of me will never end.
I’ll keep the dark at bay.

It’s not about age but demeanour.
I live inside today
Whether your weather is hearty or leaner
Don’t let time wither away
Play Play Play ❤

51 thoughts on “If life was a day

  1. “If life was a day”…. what a lovely thought! I smiled at the kind of day you described, it is very much like the one I would choose too! Your verse has a powerful message…we can choose how we will spend our days – either miserable or happy. Thank you for sharing such an uplifting poem for Two Shoes Tuesday!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What beautiful, inspirational writing.

    My husband and I watched a movie the other day about a man that had 90 minutes to live. It made me think.

    Your poetry would have been perfect for that movie!

    Thanks for linking.

    This was really incredibly inspiring.


    Liked by 1 person

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