Doggie stompin’ on Fear

Hey, you talkin’ ’bout me? cute dog, puppy, german shepherd

Did I do somethin’ naughty?

wonderful, gonzo, hunter s thompsonSniff, is dat another doggie?

lovely, amazing, great, smell that

Where’d I go wrong?

cute puppy, maltese, gorgeous

Yippie! Think I hear wheels

yippie, wicked, coolYup! Want to chase them!

fun, riding, chasing, dogs chasing wheelsLove my human

beauty, how, love, wonder

Stomping on Fear

When you be thinkin’ fear, worry, bad things. Soon it be a Whirly wind. Your mind wanna chase dat hurly-burly ’til it become a hurricane. Then you be livin’ Groundhog Days of yuck ’til you…


  1. Think another thing.  Somethin’ Happy, Funny, Great- from before, or from your made-up place. Your mind don’t make no difference ‘tween wat ain’t real and wat be happenin’. It react the same.
  2. Move. Dance, Run, Jump, Play or Sing Woofing Happy Blues, I’m Awesome, Happy Hamster song (got dat Scary Cat laughin, saved the day)


ABC Wednesday

32 thoughts on “Doggie stompin’ on Fear

  1. I love the way you presented the fear theme in a doggy way! Trompie appreciates it! He hates it or is afraid when I go out on foot. He knows that he is supposed to walk with me. When I use my car there is no problem at all!

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