Do You want to know a secret?

Writing 101: Point of View

You may have read this report in the Daily Post. A man and a woman walk through the park together, holding hands. They pass a woman sitting on a bench. The woman is knitting a small, red sweater. The man begins to cry. I can verify the report as true. But it’s not the whole story.

the path we chose, the path

August and I are in love. He says, the day he met me, he knew. My heart works a little slower. But soon my love grew and grew. We fit. Our hearts will always be together. Through triumph or adversity, our love is eternal and true.

We don’t let mis-communication distort our trust; to grow weeds that intrude on our love and insidiously disrupt. The words in your heart don’t always translate through your brain and tongue, to get your intended meaning across.

COMMICATIONThe listener isn’t in your head. They may have heard words differently to what you meant. We each have our own experiences and personal dictionary to filter through. But August and I know, neither would ever mean to hurt the other. So we unwrap the box of conversation to look inside the words, to see what the true message is.

We will do anything to be together. And forever is just the beginning of our future.

I love our walks. Though we’re focused on each other, the smiles we see, show our love is recognised, understood and well-received. So that day in the park when I saw tears in August’s eyes…

I will love her forever. We will stay together no matter what. She is my everything. My first thought through to my last. But when I saw that red sweater, the penny dropped, bounced and sunk. I knew it had begun. That he was here, to tear us apart. But they cannot separate us. We are meant to be, united forevermore.

Love Story, Romance, Folk Tale, Folk-loreI whispered to her, ‘do you see that woman knitting over there, looking around, enjoying her surrounds? She is not knitting, not looking, not a woman! It is Cal, Mr Endar spying. I won’t let this be the beginning of the end. We will find a new way of being.’

The people have spoken and it must begin today. They need a way to classify their lives further. They like to pigeonhole things into categories. It is a way for them to make sense of their world. We must knit time, in order for them to assimilate their moments into precious strands. But will they remember the months within the years?

When Cal-endar tore August and I apart, and put July in between. At first we were devastated, but never would we cede. This was not where we saw our lives heading, but adaptation was the path we chose. It may seem a long and winding road, but…

Let me tell you about ordinary magic. When faced with life’s stresses why do some survive, succeed? We decided to cultivate behaviours to enhance our well-being, cope with, and manage each scene. August and I had to be a little sneaky, and there were loopholes dangling everywhere. Cal-Endar is a loopy knitter!

Love Story, Romance, Folk Lore, Folk TaleAlthough people seem to be obsessed with time. Most minds are busy in the future or the past, caught up in worry or regret. And those who live in the present, are too busy enjoying life, to think about June and August…Plus we found a secret passage through the space-time continuum.

Those days when you wake up and you’re not sure what day, what month it is. August and I are together. When the weather seems more June than August or vice versa, we’re there. And the rest of the year, do you really care?


featured winner

51 thoughts on “Do You want to know a secret?

  1. LOVED it! What a wonderful, touching and original story. There were some gems within the piece that particularly stood out for me. I really enjoyed the part about the script inside our head and the words we often use having no relation to it. The line ‘my heart works a little slower’ – great stuff. And lastly the references to knitting time (especially Cal being a loopy knitter!). A fitting addition to this week’s prompt. Thanks so much for contribution 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You always have a unexpected take on prompts. Love the feeling of folk tale this adopts at the end: explaining those times of the year when the weather and the time of the year don’t quite match up. (Like now, for instance, how can it be August when I’m wearing a jacket outside?) Good write, LHN!

    Liked by 1 person

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