What are your superpowers?

HENRY FORD, SELF-BELIEFNapoleon Hill once said, ‘ Whatever!’ Okay, what he really said was,’Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.’ (Focus and follow through do have some importance after all! I’m glad he finished it!) So, if you expect people to be nice to you, they probably will be.

Begin a win, with a giant grin, it won’t go astray on any day, in the nice recipient quotient, or so I’ve learnt.

So, if you believe something strongly enough, will it come true? I’d love to teleport, fly, learn faster than one of Neo’s data uploads, be stronger and faster than Superman, and have Wolverine’s healing capabilities and bravado (minus some of the hair and perhaps the Admantium claws). And I believe these things are possible. But will my Matrix messed with mind, thWONDER WOMAN, SUPERPOWERS, SUPERHEROe years of conditioning, slow me or will I one day succeed? If so, how cool would that be!

Now I’ve been bitten by plenty of bugs including a couple of spiders, so where are my superpowers? Well, clearly I’m very appetising to bugs. If only I had Spidey senses, I’d probably know what they were. (The senses and the superpowers) What would the Oracle tell me? ‘You have a ridiculously optimistic outlook, despite having no ‘real world skills?’

In a Hunger Games/Running Man spot, I’d be eaten up, beaten up, nought, well ahead of the Get Go shot. In a quick draw Mcgraw with J-Law or Arnie’s jaw, I’d be terminated with mystique, long before I’d get to speak.SUPERHERO, SUPERPOWERS, BATMAN

If optimism, or silliness flowers, were grown from buds to superpowers, I’d be King of the Sky, that is, if I was a guy.

And through the rough stuff, I use the dentist gruff. It’s awful and I feel like a buffoon, but hallelujah, it will be over soon. It takes a lot of patience to learn patience especially while being a dental patient. Bzzzzzz That was dental not mental by the way.

I believe we all have genius, superpowers,  talent and gifts; Every one of us, there is no thrift. We’ve got powers galore. Let’s use them more. Believe in yourself. Don’t wait for someone else, to believe in you. It starts with you. A little self-belief DIY taken to heart and before you know it, others take part. You might start a trend of ‘believing friends’. Wouldn’t that be a nice blend! 

What do you believe is possible?

20 thoughts on “What are your superpowers?

  1. I think you are absolutely right here:) A thing I noticed us that my surrounding reflects me like a mirror. If I am grumpy my nearest, workmates and so on act the same way. If I am happy I meet a lot of happy people so yes that is really something similar to super powers:-) Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I like your post. Sometimes you do need others to show believe in you especially when you are around them. I was put down by others a lot, especially the ones I had to be around everyday. All my confidence died. Now a bit of belief from them in me, has regained a bit of confidence. WIll try to take something more from your post, I know a self belief needs to exist. Thanks for sharing 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. “I believe we all have genius, superpowers, talent and gifts; Every one of us, there is no thrift. We’ve got powers galore. Let’s use them more. Believe in yourself. Don’t wait for someone else, to believe in you. It starts with you. A little self-belief DIY taken to heart and before you know it, others take part. You might start a trend of ‘believing friends’. Wouldn’t that be a nice blend!”

    I think anything is possible as long as we keep trying. What you said above is so true. If people would look inside themselves and believe in themselves so much would be possible. As the individuals become whole then each person renewed will hopefully spread that feeling and belief in themselves. It would be an amazing thing to watch what “impossible” things would become possible.

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  4. Sadly my superpowers have been pretty dudly – but you know how superpowers go, you don’t get to choose! Still, I’ve progressed from Anxiety Girl to Chaos Girl, and if I can see the back of Anxiety Girl anything is possible, so I’m feeling pretty positive about possibilities for improvement 🙂
    Fun post with a good dollop of wisdom!

    Liked by 1 person

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