Fire in their hearts


trueloveYou feel the warmth from the first touch of hands, but when the sky shows you this, you know: True love has begun…

Wanting more than whispers of affection, 
years plodding alone, needs veiled.
Below the shroud, two hopeful hearts wait.  

By chance they meet.

Beneath the words, True Love speaks:
integrity, devotion, joy, innocence, acceptance. 

Without warning, the dream is real.
Hearts full, they can breath.

We will stand together whatever we weather,
 joined but not tethered.
Care of each other, preceding all else. 

Regardless of circumstance, near or apart
we choose to be joined at the heart.’

The photo is unedited or cropped, (apart from the frame and copyright). It is a mystery to me how two fiery hearts photobombed my camera. I was in my element watching the fireworks with him, and taking photos … but when I saw this shot I was astonished and delighted to receive such a glorious sign, realising the fire of true love, the greatest gift, was real! ❤ ❤

Inspired by Nature Boy

“The greatest thing you’ll ever learn
Is just to love and be loved in return”

Words inspired by Carrot Ranch, SoCS, MLMM,  Seductive Saturdays
Photo: Skywatch Friday , Companion, Belonging. Photo 101

music, guitars, weekly challenge

Today is Singing Saturday!

31 thoughts on “Fire in their hearts

  1. I remember those words from “Nature Boy” and even the tune. I love they two fiery hearts. Your words are best of all. You describe love (true should go without saying) as I have come to understand it .I think the “not tethered” part is crucial.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What a beautiful poem 🙂 Thanks so much for sharing it with us at WR101. My mum would love the photograph. She sees hearts in everything; food, the earth, in objects…we have dozens of pics of her discovered hearts. They are like a gift – as is this poem.

    Liked by 1 person

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