What’ll I do?

female, sad, drawingSinging Saturday

I can’t comprehend what I have done…

She opened the ‘leaving’ door, glanced at the readied suitcase, but her hands reached for her cloak instead. She moved swiftly, an adept skater’s glide with no destination proposed, except searching the mind for what to do…

Startled by a camera’s flash, she crossed the street, swam through the throng of people and the fog in her head. The day turned old and grey. Boutiques and cafes fastened their entryways.

I must get away.

Her inattentive steps, but discerning feet carried her to the waterfall. Trepidation becoming a fever, she hurled her cloak to the rocky ground. A place to reason. Unaccompanied. Uninterrupted.

How did I let this happen? What kind of madness, yearning… Clasping her head, she grappled with the implications. Again he filled her mind. A world of promise beckoned. She remembered a song, Nana used to play, when Pop was away at sea. ‘What’ll I do.’

painting watercolour, art,‘I thought I might find you here.’


‘A little pre-wedding jitters my dear?’

‘I miss him already, Mum.’

‘I’m right here my love, I missed you too.’ The Man she loved stepped into the moonlight.


Artwork and story © Love Happy Notes

Linked to Sunday Photo Fiction

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