Am I the same as I’ve always been?

amazing, wonderful, authentic, self-growth, self-improvement, memories, childhood

Of all the directions life could have gone
The connections I could have drawn
Encompassing everywhere at once
The striations zigzag from whence?

A lass who played Cowboys and Indians
Loved mammals, butterflies and amphibians
Leapt into the world without a doubt
Advanced the throttle, not knowing the brakes’ whereabouts

How did I end up here?
When did this new me appear?
Or am I the same as I’ve always been
minus the Cowboys and Indians?

I still play on the swings!
I feel countless love-strings joined to my wings
I float-fly rejoicing every connection
Still scattered, rife with affection

38 thoughts on “Am I the same as I’ve always been?

  1. Love this line ‘I float-fly rejoicing every connection’. You poem reminds me of the adage ‘you don’t stop having fun when you get old, only get old when you stop having fun.’ Lovely poem.

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