Labels or Love

the future, direction,
If our mind could remember what it was like before we learnt how to label things: good or bad, awesome, annoying or sad and so on, would it change how we feel about life? Would the absence of judging every event, change the choices we make? Would we be happier? Would it alter the road we will choose for our future?

How would it be to always come from the perspective of love? To restore our innocence. To live from a place of wonder, each day anew, fresh, ready for adventure. Without filtering each circumstance through our perception of experiences, or memories best forgotten: Keep the common sense, but dismiss all that makes us less than who we are.

Lessons learned that serve us can stay, but those that hurt us may leave from this day, this moment for evermore. Wishing you much love and peace. ❤

10 thoughts on “Labels or Love

  1. I find that when I take time to be thankful – especially if I stop and am intentionally thankful for something I see or hear or feel – whenever I am feeling a bit “poor me” – it is much easier to approach life with a positive attitude. Love is the best place for everything to originate. But sometimes fear gets in my way and I let it! Great post!

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