
amazing photo, awesome, Decide what you want
Accept that it’s possible

Believe in yourself
Choose to be Happy,
You’re Alive!

Allow assistance when you need it
Help others when you can
Always be kind

Set your goals,
Take your first step, then another
Keep up your stride
Success lies just past the give up sign

You are becoming who you are

Select mentors wisely, who’ve acquired the life you want
Perform as if what you want’s already here

Enjoy the Journey and before you know it
You’re there

31 thoughts on “Inspiration

  1. So glad to stumble upon your blog. 🙂 I like the “Choose your mentors wisely…” very much.
    In my blog I say I aspire to inspire and when I read your fisrt sentence – Conspire with me inpire it made me smile 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Each one of us mere mortals should read these words every day. I am seriously thinking of copying them to my desk tomorrow. You honoured my TS with this link. Thank you 🙂

    Liked by 1 person